About Me

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Lincoln, Nebraska, United States
Hi my name is Mike Heili: I am a 43 year old man who has been saved by Grace and Grace alone. I am married to my wife (Liz), and we have been married for almost 5 years. My Liz is Gods living expression of His own love towards me, for me, pursuing me, growing me. I have 3 little girls who have also taken my heart captive! They are my Taylor (15), Grace (3), and Samantha (7 days). My hope for you is that "Growing With Grace" becomes a very dependable and practical place for you to reset your Spiritual Compass that drives your day to day choices, actions, attitudes and lifestyles. My hope is that it affects your growth with your wife, your husbands, your loved ones, your children, work life and even with yourself. Gods Grace for some of us is the Truth, that will convict our souls back to "pursue holiness" once again. Not only to be reconciled unto our God, but to also be reconciled back unto LIFE as God designed it to be lived! In humble worship, submission, dependence and obedience to Him. (Mike Heili)

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Growth...it only comes from God!

Gen_2:9  And out of the ground the Lord God made every tree to grow that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food

   The bible makes it clear..."God is the creator". But what what is simple to understand is often hard to apply to our own lives. I hope to help with that, take a look at the verse again: "Lord God made every tree to grow". Who made the tree to grow? God! So God was not only the creator of the tree, but is also the one who gives the Growth? God! This is the primary foundation to "living in Gods Grace". Growth comes from God! If it comes from God, we cannot give it to ourselves. 
  With this foundational truth, we are now equipped for the growth process.As His creatures we were always suppose to depend on God, trust in God to "Provide". Yes, even for our growth. Depending on God, trusting in God,...is the only place where we will ever find the hope, healing, peace, and "growth" that we are looking for so desperately. Living this way places us in a humble position of submission under our Creator to provide the resources we need for LIFE. Notice: what God grows in this verse, is "pleasant to the sight". This means that what God grows, is pleasing to Him; because it is a reflection of His own handiwork. 
   Now lets put all this together. #1. God Provides the Growth Growth.  #2. What God Grows...is Pleasing to Him.  Lastly is # 3. What God Grows.....is "Good for food".  Meaning that if you have truly been growing "Biblically", then your life has resulted in a such a way that you are providing "food" for others. Notice the tree was not only pleasing to look at, but that tree was "good for food". Meaning what God grows, God has intentions for, and what God intends...is that your life affects/feeds others for His glory! You and I have been grown in such a way that we would notice a person who is starving...and not pass him by. That we might give him/her just a taste of "living bread" that might awaken his spirit to the curiosity of knowing Jesus Christ.
A. Acknowledge God as your Creator and Provider.
B. Confess Thanks for His Provision already in your years past. (Spiritual, mental, financial, relationships)
C. Confess Faith for His Provision in your future. (this pleases God to trust God)
D. Ask God to prepare your life...to grow your life...to provide the fruit that will feed generations to come. 


  1. Sometimes so hard to remember. So glad you are blogging. You have so much to give others and share.

  2. Karen, I thank you visiting...you are expressing one of my life intentions. I feel it is my privilege to help others REMEMBER to place God on the throne of their hearts, in the forefront of their minds, and as the center of their existence in their day to day living. Karen, may all you do in this world today...revolve around DEPENDING, TRUSTING, and HAVING FAITH IN GOD FOR THE RESULTS.
